area guide of chandpur এর ছবি
boro station এর ছবি
haziganj boro masjid এর ছবি
hazrat sayed shah rasti (r) mazar & mosque এর ছবি

চাঁদপুর, চট্টগ্রাম

Chandpur is a naturally vibrant district of Chittagong division. It is located in the country's southeastern part, near the confluence of the Padma and Meghna rivers. Situated at the outfall of a river, the city is an important center for agricultural activities, river transport, and trade. The district is also known for its rich cultural heritage and natural beauty.

Chandpur district is located in the basin of the Padma and Meghna Rivers. It is bounded by Munshiganj and Comilla districts to the north, Noakhali, Laxmipur, and Barisal districts to the south, Comilla district to the east, Meghna River, Shariatpur and Munshiganj districts to the west. The upazilas of this district are - Chandpur Sadar, Faridganj, Haimchar, Hajiganj, Kachua, Matlab South, Matlab North and Shahrasti upazilas.

Chandpur, the breeding and habitat of silver hilsa, the national fish of Bangladesh. Meghna River serves as a lifeline for transportation, fishing, and agriculture. This charming environment, bustling river port, and hilsa town make this district very attractive to tourists. Beyond its economic significance, Chandpur fascinates visitors with its lush greenery, serene environment, and tapestry of riverine Bengali culture.

Chandpur's economy is mainly driven by agriculture, fishing, and trade. The city's roads, railways, and waterways have contributed significantly to the country's economy, particularly in agriculture, fisheries, and cargo trade. The city serves as an important transportation hub connecting various regions of the country by road, rail, and waterways. Education and medical facilities in Chandpur are also quite good.

Rupsa Zamindar Bari is a notable landmark, reflecting the region's rich architectural and cultural heritage. During the reign of the twelve Bhuiyans, this region was held by Chand Roy, son of Kedar Roy, the zamindar of Bikrampur. According to historian JM Sengupta, the region was named Chandpur after Chand Roy.

The city has cultural importance as a center of literature, art, and music. Also, various social programs, youth clubs, training centers, and recreation centers in the area contribute to intellectual and social development. The area attracts visitors interested in river cruises, fishing, and exploring the picturesque countryside.

Being an important center for trade, communication, and transportation of goods, the city is developing residential and commercial infrastructure. Also considering the importance of communication, roads and bridges are being constructed and renovated as planned in the rural areas of the district. Ongoing development and initiatives aimed at furthering the city's prosperity, promise a bright future.

আরো পড়ুন
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সিটি ইনসাইট

Chandpur is located in the delta region of the Padma and Meghna rivers, which support diverse ecosystems. It fascinates visitors with its lush greenery, serene environment, and tapestry of riverine Bengali culture.
It is located in the country's southeastern part, near the confluence of the Padma and Meghna rivers. Being located at the outfall of a river, the city serves as an important center for agricultural activities, river transport, and trade.
Chandpur's economy is mainly driven by agriculture, fishing, and trade. The region is known for its production of rice, jute, pulses, oilseeds, and various fruits and vegetables. Chandpur is famous for its fishing industry, particularly for its Hilsa fish
Chandpur is strategically located near the junction of the Padma and Meghna rivers. This location makes it a hub for river transport, facilitating connectivity to other parts of Bangladesh. Chandpur is well-connected by road, particularly through the Dhak
Traditional Bengali folk music, including Baul and Bhatiali songs, is popular in Chandpur's cultural life. The region also has a rich tradition of performing arts such as Jatra and folk dances like Bihu and Jhumur. Local specialties include Hilsha fish pr
Rupsa Zamindar Bari is a notable landmark, reflecting the region's rich architectural and cultural heritage. During the reign of the twelve Bhuiyans, this region was held by Chand Roy, son of Kedar Roy, the zamindar of Bikrampur. According to historian JM

পরিচিত ল্যান্ডমার্ক সমূহ

  • Rupsa Zamindar Bari

  • Angikar a Liberation Statue

  • Boro Station

  • Three Domed Mosque

  • Haziganj Boro Masjid

  • Hazrat Sayed Shah Rasti (R) Mazar & Mosque


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বাস রুট

Chandpur - Dhaka
Chandpur - Chittagong
Chandpur - Comilla
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কাছাকাছি রেলস্টেশন

Chandpur Railway Station

নতুন উন্নয়ন

300-feet modern naval port
Chandpur 100 MW (Joules) Solar Power Plant
Construction of Upazila Muktijoddha Complex
Rural Infrastructure Development Project (Comilla, B.Baria & Chadpur District)
Urban Infrastructure Improvement Project

এখানে কি ভালো?

Chandpur is well-connected by road and waterways. The Barishal-Chandpur highway (N1) and Dhaka-Chittagong highway provide efficient road transport options.
Chandpur Launch Terminal and Feri Terminal make Chandpur a significant hub for waterway transport.
It is also a part of Bangladesh's railway network, which connects to Dhaka and other major cities.
Chandpur is renowned for its scenic beauty, nestled alongside the Meghna River and surrounded by lush greenery.
Residents can enjoy recreational activities such as boating on the Meghna River, visiting parks, and participating in local festivals and events that celebrate Bengali culture.
Local law enforcement typically plays a proactive role in ensuring safety. Compared to larger cities, Chandpur may have relatively lower crime rates.
Chandpur is situated along the banks of the Meghna River, offering picturesque views and serene surroundings. The Meghna River not only provides scenic beauty but also supports local livelihoods through fishing and river transport.

কোথায় উন্নয়ন প্রয়োজন?

With increasing urbanization and population growth, traffic congestion can be a significant issue. Need to enhance the public transportation system is essential.
Need to develop parks, recreational areas, and cultural centers for community engagement and leisure activities.
Need to increase access to quality healthcare facilities, especially in rural areas. Need to provide access to vocational training and higher education opportunities.
Need to enhance street lighting, maintain roads and public spaces to discourage crime, and install CCTV cameras in strategic locations.
Need to implement effective measures to combat drug trafficking and substance abuse through enforcement and rehabilitation programs.
The rivers and water bodies in Chandpur face significant pollution from industrial effluents, agricultural runoff, and household waste.
Like many urban areas in Bangladesh, Chandpur experiences poor air quality due to industrial emissions, vehicular exhaust, and biomass burning.

প্রতিবেশী রেটিং


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সংযোগ এবং যাতায়াত
সংযোগ এবং যাতায়াত3.5 out of 5
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জীবনধারা ও সুবিধা3.5 out of 5
নিরাপত্তা ব্যবস্থা
নিরাপত্তা ব্যবস্থা
নিরাপত্তা ব্যবস্থা4.5 out of 5
পরিবেশগত 3.5 out of 5

চাঁদপুর-এর প্রপার্টি প্রাইস ট্রেন্ড

নির্বাচিত সময়কাল/ফিল্টারের জন্য ডেটা নোট উপলব্ধ। পরে আবার চেক করতে আপনার ফিল্টার সামঞ্জস্য করুন

Bikroy এ চাঁদপুর তে 5+ প্রপার্টি খুঁজুন


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