gaibandha area guide Image
gaibandha agriculture training institute Image
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Gaibandha, Rangpur

Gaibandha is one of Bangladesh's notable districts and an administrative area of the Rangpur Division. The district’s areas have a history of more than 5,200 years, so it is no wonder that the Gaibandha area guide shows many historical landmarks from the past.

Gaibandha was established as a district in 1984. It has a massive land area of 2,114.77 square kilometers and a population of about 2,621,756. The district is bounded by Rangpur and Kurigram districts in the north, Bogura in the south, Dinajpur and Joypurhat in the east, and Kurigram and Jamalpur districts and the Jamuna River in the west.

Since it is an old land area, Gaibandha is rich in historical and important landmarks. The oldest historical architects are the Gaibandha Khan Bahadur Jamidar Bari, Naldanga Jamidar Bari, and Bardhan Kuthi. The district is surrounded by rivers like Brahmaputra, Teesta, Ghaghat, Karatoya, etc.

People can go to the ghats or riverside areas to enjoy the picturesque view of the river and take a break from mundane life. If not, there are modern recreational places like the Gaibandha Pouro Park in the district's central area. There are also Dream City Park, Mini Nikli Gobindaganj, Alibaba Theme Park, etc.

Gaibandha has 5,773 mosques, 892 temples, and a few other religious institutions. It also has 2 cinema halls. There are also over 2,500 educational institutions and several training institutions. To ensure people’s health and safety, there are 64 non-government clinics, 1 general hospital, 1 Upazila health complex, and a few other health centers.

The district's economy relies on agriculture, which accounts for about 44.45% of the total economic sources. However, small businesses, non-agricultural labor, transport, services, and cottage industries also exist.

As various other districts surround Gaibandha, you are likely to hear different dialects, which makes the district more diverse. In coming years, Gaibandha is likely to go through more upgrades, with new residential properties on the rise.

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City Insights

The Gaibandha District was established in 1984, even though the area is older than 5200 years.
It is a district of the Rangpur Division in northern Bangladesh.
Gaibandha has established and developed roads in most parts.
The district people rely on agriculture as the main economic source.
Gaibandha has many old and modern landmarks.

Known Landmarks

  • Jamalpur Shahi Masjid

  • Gaibandha Agriculture Training Institute

  • Gaibandha Khan Bahadur Jamidar Bari

  • Sree Sree Durgabari Mondir


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Bus Routes

Gaibandha - Kuptola
Gaibandha - Naldanga
Gaibandha - Tulshighat
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Nearest Train Stations

Gaibandha Railway Station
Kuptola Railway Station
Kumarpara Railway Station
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New Developments

New development projects in Gaibandha include establishing new mosques, adding a smart development plan to change the city area, and more.

What’s great here?

Gaibandha is connected to all other districts of Bangladesh by road.
It also offers excellent railway communication with several districts.
Gaibandha offers a diverse lifestyle with both a modern and rural environment.
It has several tourist attractions and other amenities.
There are several police stations around the district, and many places are under good surveillance.
With a big part of it having a rural lifestyle, Gaibandha is a picturesque area with a beautiful environment.

What needs attention?

Illegal construction work occupies many government roads.
The entire district has only two cinema halls and a few modern recreational locations, which shows the need for more amenities.
Recently, there has been a rise in murder cases in the district.
Floods are a common natural disaster in the district.

Neighbourhood Rating


out of 5
Connectivity & Commute
Connectivity & Commute
Connectivity & Commute4.1 out of 5
Lifestyle & Facilities
Lifestyle & Facilities
Lifestyle & Facilities4.2 out of 5
Safety & Security
Safety & Security
Safety & Security3.8 out of 5
Environment4.3 out of 5

Property Price Trends in Gaibandha for

Average Price (Last 12 months)
Tk. 852.5 per sqft
Past 12 months' growth
Positive Trend
Past 3 months' growth
Positive Trend
Price information is based on historical data from ads posted on Bikroy and may not reflect the full market dynamics.

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