bholagonj sada pathor tourist spot এর ছবি
shada pathor hotel & resort এর ছবি
shah arfin tila এর ছবি
high tech park/electronics city sylhet এর ছবি

কোম্পানীগঞ্জ, সিলেট

The Companiganj Upazila is one of the closest locations in Bangladesh to the Bangladesh-India border line. It is also a location with many water bodies, significant tourist spots, industrial zones, and more. So today, you will get to know more about the Companiganj area guide.

Companiganj was a police station or thana area founded in 1976. However, it was established as an upazila with about 296.90 square kilometers of land area in 1983. According to the 2022 Census, the population of the area is more than 1,92,000, and it is located 30 kilometers from Sylhet Sadar by road.

Geographically, the upazila is bounded by the Meghalaya State of India in the north, Sylhet Sadar Upazila in the south, Gowainghat Upazila in the east, and Sunamganj District’s Chatak Upazila in the west. The main water bodies of Companiganj Upazila are the Surma River and the Piyain Gang. It also has other haors and beels all around the upazila.

While the upside of the water bodies in the upazila is that they have naturally beautiful locations, they also have a few drawbacks. Because of the rivers and other waterlines, the Companiganj area suffers from heavy floods every year. Not only does it destroy homes and crops, but it also causes loss of lives due to unexpected disasters.

Yet, life goes on even in the roughest part of the upazila. Despite the damages, stone and agricultural goods have been two of Companiganj's major economic resources. The Shada Pathor area in Bholaganj is one of the popular tourist destinations for many. People who are visiting that area can lodge in Shada Pathor Hotel & Resort.

There are other popular locations, such as the Shah Arfin Tila, Mayabon Eco Park, Rauti Beel, High Tech Park Electronics City Sylhet, etc. Companiganj offers good access to educational institutions such as schools, colleges, and madrasas. Yet, the upazila's literacy level is only 28.8%. There are 254 mosques and 31 temples in Companiganj.

The communication facility from Sylhet Sadar to Companiganj is accessible by buses, cars, and CNGs. However, the village localities of the upazila lack developed concrete or even asphalt roads. But if you are looking for properties in Companiganj, you will find a lot of affordable land for residential, commercial, and industrial purposes.

আরো পড়ুন
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সিটি ইনসাইট

Companiganj is an upazila of Sylhet District, located near the Bangladesh-India borderline.
The Companiganj Upazila was established in 1983.
People can travel to Companiganj from Sylhet Sadar via the Airport Road and Salutikor Road.
The main economic sources of the Upazila’s people are agriculture, stone, and other cultivation.
Though Companiganj has many beautiful landmarks, it is also prone to natural disasters like floods and tornadoes.

পরিচিত ল্যান্ডমার্ক সমূহ

  • Bholagonj

  • Shah Arfin Tila

  • Surma River

  • High Tech Park/Electronics City Sylhet

  • Shada Pathor Hotel & Resort


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বাস রুট

Companiganj - Tuker Bazar
Companiganj - Bholaganj Road
Companiganj - Borni Bazar
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নতুন উন্নয়ন

The Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Hi-Tech Park in Companiganj is currently under development.

এখানে কি ভালো?

Several developed roads connect the main city areas of Companiganj.
The Upazila Sadar area offers better living facilities.
The Sadar area also offers better access to healthcare, finance, education, etc.
Most of the areas in Companiganj are safe and secure and have a low crime rate.
Due to the many rivers, forests, streams, and hilly areas, Companiganj makes the upazila naturally and environmentally appealing.

কোথায় উন্নয়ন প্রয়োজন?

The area does not have a railway station nearby.
The Upazila needs more developed roads to improve communication with the remote and rural parts.
The remote areas lack developed housing and living facilities.
Road accidents are one of the common occurrences in the upazila.
Floods and other natural disasters make life and the environment of the upazila hectic.

প্রতিবেশী রেটিং


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কোম্পানীগঞ্জ-এর প্রপার্টি প্রাইস ট্রেন্ড

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