Pourobazar, Rangpur
Pourobazar is located in Rangpur district. The place is busy and well known for selling various products: a market, super shop, fresh vegetables, a big fish market, various offices, etc. This municipal market is located 1.2 km from Rangpur Zero Point and is a 16-minute walk. On the other hand, it is located 2.7 km away from Rangpur Sadar Upazila. The place has shopping, transportation, well-developed roads, and everything very convenient and necessary as a place of work for people of various professions at your fingertips. The nearest railway station is 40 minutes away. It is a vibrant place in Rangpur, which is a combination of living and working. It will provide a peaceful living while enjoying the sights and diverse culture of Rangpur.
The beauty of the surrounding place, facilities, educational institutions, etc., will impress you. The town market will give you an opportunity to realize the busyness of the Rangpur district, and there are job opportunities for people of various professions. Many people live here, and it is a very important and famous place in Rangpur.
Overall, Pourobazar offers a dynamic blend of commerce, culture, and diverse and varied lifestyles, making it one of the most desirable localities in Rangpur. Whether you want to shop, eat, or just wander around, Pourobazar has something to offer.
City Insights
Known Landmarks
Pourobazar Online Super Shop
Collectorate Surovi Uddan
Niaz Hotel , Pourobazar
Rangpur Zero Point , Pourobazar
Big Fish Market, Pourobazar