dc more square
mahiganj shahid minar
jahaj company more
batchelor chottor

জাহাজ কোম্পানি মোড়, রংপুর

Jahaj Company More is situated in Rangpur. It’s fairly placed in the heart of the city. You can travel to any place in Rangpur from this area. There are lots of hotels, restaurants, shopping malls and recreational places in this area. So, the people of Rangpur come to Jahaj Company More whenever they need something or are looking for something. The Sadar Hospital is also very close to Jahaj Company More.

This place is always lively with people walking around and cars moving through the streets. You'll find a mix of different stores and places to eat here, making it a vibrant spot to visit.

Jahaj Company More is not just about business; it's also a place where people from different backgrounds come together. You can experience the local culture and traditions while exploring the area.

It's easy to get to Jahaj Company More from different parts of the city, making it a convenient place to visit for shopping, eating, or just enjoying the bustling atmosphere.

In short, Jahaj Company More is a lively and diverse area that reflects the vibrant spirit of Rangpur, making it a must-visit for anyone in the city.

আরো পড়ুন
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সিটি ইনসাইট

tick iconIt is the busiest area of Rangpur City.
tick iconPeople from all over Rangpur come here to purchase things or to travel to different locations.
tick iconThis is mainly a commercial area, so you’ll find a lot of shopping malls and markets.
tick iconThe area is best suited if you’re thinking of establishing a business in Rangpur city.

পরিচিত ল্যান্ডমার্ক সমূহ

  • Chandra More

  • Batchelor Chottor

  • DC More Square

  • Mahiganj Shahid Minar

  • Sheikh Rasel Chottor

  • BNCC More


Bus Icon

বাস রুট

Jahaj Company More - Shatmatha Bus Stop
Jahaj Company More - Medical More
Jahaj Company More - Kamar Para Bus Stand
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কাছাকাছি রেলস্টেশন

Rangpur Railway station

নতুন উন্নয়ন

tick iconNot found

এখানে কি ভালো?

tick iconJahaj Company is situated at the heart of Rangpur city. So, it’s the best place to live and do business.
tick iconYou can travel to any place inside or outside of Rangpur from this area very easily.
tick iconThere is nothing that you won’t find in this area, from hospitals to hotels and markets.
tick iconThe place is generally very crowded and everyone is busy doing their own work.
tick iconThere are lots of CCTV cameras around this place and every market and residential building has guards.
tick iconThe environment is very safe

কোথায় উন্নয়ন প্রয়োজন?

tick iconQuality of roads
tick iconQuality of public transportation methods
tick iconWell-managed sewerage system

প্রতিবেশী রেটিং


out of 5
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4.5 out of 5
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4.5 out of 5
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4 out of 5
Circle outline
3.5 out of 5

জাহাজ কোম্পানি মোড়-এর প্রপার্টি প্রাইস ট্রেন্ড

নির্বাচিত সময়কাল/ফিল্টারের জন্য ডেটা নোট উপলব্ধ। পরে আবার চেক করতে আপনার ফিল্টার সামঞ্জস্য করুন

Bikroy এ জাহাজ কোম্পানি মোড় তে 6+ প্রপার্টি খুঁজুন


Bikroy এ বিক্রি বা ভাড়া দিন: মাত্র ২ মিনিটেই প্রপার্টির বিজ্ঞাপন দিন!