varendra research museum  Image
rajshahi government city college Image
dr. kaisar rahman chaudhury auditorium  Image
hatemkha boro masjid Image

Hatemkha, Rajshahi

Hatemkha is part of Rajshahi City Corporation and the place has special importance as it is situated in the center of the district city. It is notable for all the amenities for accommodation and rich history and a vibrant community. Although the place is densely populated with a mix of different socio-economic groups, the atmosphere here is quite harmonious and harmonious, retaining the diversity of Rajshahi. Residents of Hatemkha are also known for their hospitality and strong community.

Hatemkha's economy is mainly dependent on shops, restaurants and service providers and various small and medium-sized entrepreneurs. There are also local markets that have been serving the residents for a long time, contributing significantly to the local economy.

There is a mix of local residential buildings and there is a mix of traditional houses to modern apartments etc. All these residents have adequate supply of electricity, water, internet and gas etc. Hatemkha also reflects Rajshahi's rich cultural heritage and the area contributes to the city's cultural scene through local arts, crafts and performances.

This place is very important for education. There are several state-of-the-art educational institutions in the vicinity including primary and secondary schools. For example - Rajshahi Medical College, Rajshahi Government Women's College etc. The journey to Rajshahi University from here is very short, so the way for students to get education here is smooth.

We all know more or less about Rajshahi medical services. Hatemkha maintains the heritage of Rajshahi by providing several healthcare facilities to its residents including clinics, hospitals and pharmacies, ensuring easy access to treatment.

Along with education and medical care, the transport system here is also very good. Road communication here is quite easy and fluent. Apart from road means, there are golden opportunities to use railway and air means of communication. There are also rickshaws, auto rickshaws and buses as public transport. There are also golden opportunities to use private transport and a well-developed road system.

On the other hand for recreation there are parks and recreational areas where people can relax and engage in outdoor activities. There are also various social and cultural institutions.

Overall, Hatemkha is suitable for living, especially those with a strong sense of community and notable for education, healthcare and cultural activities. It is a dynamic and integral part of Rajshahi that reflects the wider characteristics of the city in terms of culture, economy and community life.

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City Insights

Hatemkha falls under the City Corporation of Rajshahi city and is an unparalleled combination of education, medical and cultural aspects of the central city. And this place has a special importance in Rajshahi city for carrying its heritage and cultural s
The transportation system is quite good, from here the transport system is quite good to the entire region of Rajshahi and the surrounding districts.
The environment here is very nice and friendly. As always, the people of Hatemkha are carrying the kinship tradition of Rajshahi. Religious, social, political and friendly behavior here is really good.
Here you can use local buses, rickshaws, autorickshaws, CNG etc. for local transportation. There are also ride sharing arrangements. There is the facility of using private transport.
From here you will be able to easily communicate with the entire city of Rajshahi and anywhere in the country through road transport. In addition, there is a nearby rail communication. There is an international standard air communication system. Also the

Known Landmarks

  • Varendra Research Museum

  • Hatemkha Boro Masjid

  • Dr. Kaisar Rahman Chaudhury Auditorium

  • Al-Aksa Jame Masjid

  • Rajshahi Government City College


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Bus Routes

Hatemkha - Binodpur
Hatemkha - Kashiadanga
Hatemkha - Damkura Haat
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Nearest Train Stations

Rajshahi Railway Station
Sardah Railway Station
Rajshahi Court Railway Station
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New Developments

None at this moment.

What’s great here?

It is surrounded by beautiful educational centers and has the potential to meet all the basic needs of living. Here you will grow up in the urban environment but you will always get the fresh air and the touch of greenery surrounded by the greenery of Raj
People of different religions, castes and professions live together here who have their own diversity of life and way of thinking. But they are living together maintaining sociality.
Education, medical, entertainment and transportation facilities here are quite good. Which is very convenient for the residents here. Also the clean environment here can attract many people.
The standard of living of the people here is quite advanced and bright. Here you will get the benefit of growing up in a beautiful and elegant environment. Also this place is able to meet all the needs like gas, electricity, water and internet.
The touch of rural environment next to the urban environment adds to the serenity of the environment here. Overall it carries an added beauty identity. Also the religious harmony of the people here touches everyone's heart which is what we all desire.

What needs attention?

Traffic jams occur in this area. Traffic jams are observed especially in the morning and evening.
It may not be a commercial area. The location may not be suitable for those who require a commercial environment as well as urban environment.
Security measures should be strengthened in all cases. Although the crime rate here is low, good security is desirable for everyone.
The environment here is very clear, beautiful and mesmerizing. But nowadays it is necessary to be more aware so that the effects of environmental pollution are reduced.

Neighbourhood Rating


out of 5
Connectivity & Commute
Connectivity & Commute
Connectivity & Commute3.5 out of 5
Lifestyle & Facilities
Lifestyle & Facilities
Lifestyle & Facilities4 out of 5
Safety & Security
Safety & Security
Safety & Security3.5 out of 5
Environment3.5 out of 5

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