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- Alamdangha

Alamdangha, Khulna
Alamdanaga is an upazila of Chuadanga District, located in the northwest of Bangladesh. It is an administrative area of the Khulna Division, Bangladesh's second-largest division. Alamdanaga was previously a thana area but was established into an upazila in 1982. Its land area is 365 square kilometers, and its population is 3,45,992, with Muslims and Hindus living together for many years.
Currently, the upazila has 1 pourashava, 15 unions, and 211 villages. Looking at the Alamdanga area guide, you will notice that the upazila doesn’t have many water bodies. Only the Mathavanga River flows through the upazila. It has some small rivers, but most are dried up. However, the upazila still has many large ponds and beels.
It is now bounded by Mirpur Upazila (Kushtia District) and Gangni Upazila (Meherpur District) in the north, Chuadanga Sadar and Damurhuda Upazila in the south, Harinkunda Upazila (Jhenaidah District) and Kushtia Sadar Upazila in the east. It also has the Gangni Upazila (Meherpur District) and Damurhuda Upazila in the west.
One of the best things about Alamdanaga Upazila is its growing and developing lifestyle. Over the years, housing and residents, along with roads and other facilities, have been developed. The communication in and out of the upazila is also convenient. In addition to buses and cars, people can also travel through the upazila by train.
Unlike some other upazila areas of Khulna district, Alamdanga doesn’t have many historical landmarks or notable locations. However, it does have certain popular and notable locations and many old buildings. Some of them are over a century old. The Alamdanga Boddho Bhumi is the mass killing site bearing the scar of the 1971 Liberation War.
Other landmarks include Alamdanga Laal Bride or railway bridge, Kumari Jomidar Bari, Alamdanga Independence Memorial of 1971, Alamdanga Badminton Club (an ancient building), etc. It also has a cinema hall and a few parks.
It also has over 120 educational institutions, including madrasa, training institutions, polytechnical institutes, etc. There are 335 mosques, 292 Eidgahs, and 30 temples. People can also access healthcare facilities, banking, and other necessities here in Alamdanga.
City Insights
Known Landmarks
Alamdanga Boddho Bhumi
Alamdanga Fire Service and Civil Defence Station
Alamdanga Railway Station
Kumari Jomidar Bari
Bhangbaria Eco Park