sir p.c. roy house Image
paikgacha bridge Image
kapilmuni ved temple Image
bangladesh fisheries research institute (bfri) brackish water center Image

Paikgachha, Khulna

If you travel from the Khulna Sadar area via bus, you can go directly to Paikgacha Zero Point. But during the journey, you can stop in a few other areas, such as Chuknagar, Atharomile, Kapilmuni, Tala, etc. You have guessed right! Today, we will share the Paikgacha area guide and everything you need to know about the Upazila and its various localities.

The Paikgacha Upazila is located in the southern areas of Khulna District, near the Sundarban Mangrove forest. It is about 65 kilometers away from the Khulna Sadar and has a land area of 383.27 square kilometers. The population of Paikgacha upazila is nearly 2.50 lakh.

Paikgacha is also regarded as the White Gold of Bangladesh because it is renowned for shrimp farming. Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute (BFRI) Brackish Water Center and various shrimp farms are located in this upazila. The shrimp price in the area is lower than in other areas. The economy of the people in the area also relies on agriculture, dairy, and poultry.

It has many ancient and historical landmarks. Some of the popular and notable places are Paikgacha Zero Point, Sir P.C. Roy House, Bakabazar Jomidar Bari, Saral Kha Dighi, Sree Sree Ramakrishna Sevashram, Pir Jafar Aulia Shrine, etc.

Other than these, the Paikgacha Fantasy Park and Garden is another attraction for locals and tourists. The Kopotakkho River also flows through the upazila. However, Paikgacha upazila still requires some additional sources of amenities, such as shopping centers, service centers, restaurants, and more.

Paikgacha upazila is always bustling with life. The bazaar and market areas keep people engaged with daily businesses throughout the day. It also has many educational institutions, mostly primary schools. It also has many religious institutions, such as mosques, temples, churches, etc. There are several financial institutions and offices in Paikgacha as well.

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City Insights

The Paikgacha Upazila is located on the southern side of Khulna and near the Sundarbans Mangrove forest.
It has one long highway that connects the Upazila to Khulna City.
Paikgacha is known for shrimp farming, and other fisheries, which is one of the upazila's major sources of income.
The area has many historical landmarks, and the remains of a Buddhist Temple have also been discovered in Paikgacha’s Kapilmuni village.
The Paikgacha Upazila offers a diverse environment and living facilities.

Known Landmarks

  • Paikgacha Zero Point

  • Paikgacha Bridge

  • Sir P.C. Roy House

  • Kapilmuni Ved Temple

  • Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute (BFRI) Brackish Water Center

  • Paikgacha Public Library


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Bus Routes

Paikgacha Zero Point - Tala
Paikgacha Zero Point - Kapilmuni
Paikgacha Zero Point - Atharomile
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Nearest Train Stations

Khulna Railway Station

New Developments

New projects in Paikgacha involve road and bridge constructions.

What’s great here?

One main road connects Paikgacha directly to the Khulna main city.
Means of travel inside the Upazila area are rickshaws, CNGs, bikes, vans, etc.
Paikgacha has both rural and modern housing.
The living conditions in the town areas of the upazila offer better facilities.
There hasn’t been a major safety or security issue in the area.
Most parts of Paikgacha are covered with trees, canals, and rivers, making it naturally beautiful.

What needs attention?

Paikgacha needs wider roads, main roads, and highways for convenient communication.
The area lacks modern and upgraded living facilities.
Due to urbanization, many parts of Paikgacha have suffered from deforestation, and rivers are losing their length and charm.

Neighbourhood Rating


out of 5
Connectivity & Commute
Connectivity & Commute
Connectivity & Commute4 out of 5
Lifestyle & Facilities
Lifestyle & Facilities
Lifestyle & Facilities4 out of 5
Safety & Security
Safety & Security
Safety & Security4 out of 5
Environment3 out of 5

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